Demonstrating interoperable quantum technology


ImpaQT UA is a quantum tech consortium created in 2021 that aims to develop industry standards by demonstrating interoperability. Bottom-up, from the lab, coordinating and fundraising for projects that allow ImpaQT members to advance towards creating and validating standardised interfaces. ImpaQT members will be able to develop their products in an environment that promotes seamless integration.

Moreover, ImpaQT welcomes members from all along the value chain which allows us to identify supply chain gaps in Europe and strategically work to upgrade, improve, and develop those underrepresented parts. ImpaQT will be a key player in ensuring supply chain resilience and promoting European alternatives to foreign suppliers.

Our contribution

Investments in quantum technology have primarily focused on the full-stack, where the company develops some or all of the components in-house and sells the whole system. A full-stack approach allows for a smooth integration, but this approach is hard to scale. Different components require knowledge and expertise from various industries. It is impossible to have a high-level of specialisation in all those industries within the same company—and trying is very expensive.

Modular systems are built with off-the-shelf components provided by dedicated component suppliers which makes it easier and cheaper to scale. However, lack of coordination is stepping on the break for modular quantum systems.

ImpaQT works as a coordinator among component providers and helps develop and validate standardised interfaces that allow the acceleration of the quantum market in Europe. This way, ImpaQT ensures that integrators always work with well-interfaced state-of-the-art components


Delft Circuits

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